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" Your physical health, your psychological wellbeing, and your spiritual possibility depend on how well aligned you are with existence. Essentially, Hatha Yoga is towards establishing this alignment "

         - Sadhguru


Whether you want to achieve physical, mental and emotional wellbeing or you want to explore higher dimensions of life, Yoga Nivedana is dedicated to offering Isha Hatha Yoga in it's full depth and vibrancy that can enable you and support you through your journey.

Why Isha Hatha Yoga


In the form of ISHA HATHA YOGA, Sadhguru has offered a profound set of tools which can create the right kind of inner situation, where being peaceful and joyful is very natural and it is not something that one pursues in their life. Once we establish ourselves with a supportive body, balanced mind and a blissful chemistry the very way we think, feel, understand and experience life can be completely altered. Now whichever activity we perform in the world, it will be a wonderful offering to the humanity and Yoga Nivedana exemplifies that.

How are we different

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We offer various well being modules to fit into our customers needs, activity and lifestyles. No prior experience of yoga is needed to learn these modules.


Of High Quality

These programs are conducted by highly trained teachers certified by Isha Hatha Yoga School in a conducive ambience with utmost care, paying attention to every little aspect and giving themselves completely to the process.



We use teaching methods which are very unique and designed by Sadhguru in a way, once you complete a program you will have tools for your lifetime. There is no need to attend weekly classes or purchase special equipment. There is also ongoing post program support and practice review sessions available to further refine and deepen your sadhana.



Isha Hatha Yoga teacher & Kuchipudi Artist

Regular practice of Isha Hatha yoga helped me overcome many physical, mental and emotional barriers and gave me the courage to do things I never imagined are possible for me. It gave me the necessary clarity and balance to handle myself in various situations. Above all it transformed me into a much more joyful and loving person. This motivated me to undergo an intensive 1750 hours of Isha Hatha Yoga teacher training program designed by Sadhguru and today I feel very blessed for having the opportunity to share these wonderful tools with you. 


I am also a budding Kuchipudi dancer (Indian classical art form) and regular practice of yoga has been a total game changer for me in terms of my physical abilities and my body mind coordination while mastering the art form.

Pragnya Isha Hatha Yoga teacher


Positive reviews mean Positively happy customers

" The experience was really amazing. Doing the 21 Day Hatha Program during these stressful COVID times was a blessing. The class ambience was good with all the necessary measures taken. Pragnya was very attentive and precise while teaching. Her in detail feedback for practice corrections really helped in improving the asnas. The overall program structure was really nice. 


Sadhguru has given all these wonderful tools for our well-being. The practices have helped me to grow stronger physically as well as mentally. It has really helped to deepen my Sadhna. Yogasnas/SuryaKriya/Angamardana these have wonderful health benefits and definitely help in more intensive experiences while doing the other Kriyas which are offered by Sadhguru. "

Harshal Jagtap

21 Day Isha Hatha Yoga

Upa Yoga, Surya Kriya, Yogasanas, Angamardana

Core Offerings

Patangasana Upa Yoga Isha Hatha Yoga


Upa-yoga is a simple yet powerful set of 10 practices that activate the joints, muscles and energy system, bringing ease to the whole system.

Standing Posture Angamardana Isha Hatha Yoga


Angamardana is a series of 31 processes to invigorate the body, and reach peak physical fitness and mental health.

Aswasanchalana Surya Kriya Isha Hatha Yoga

Surya Kriya

Surya Kriya is a potent 21-step yogic practice of tremendous antiquity, designed as a holistic process for health and inner wellbeing.

Vrikshasana Yogasanas Isha Hatha Yoga


Yogasanas are a set of powerful postures through which one can elevate one’s consciousness and manipulate energies.

Add ons

Fire Element Bhuta Shuddhi Cleansing Isha Hatha Yoga

Bhuta Shuddhi

Bhuta Shuddhi means “purification of the elements,” and is a process of purifying the 5 elements within the human system.

Children Yoga Sun Salutations Aswasanchalana Surya Shakti Isha Hatha Yoga

Surya Shakti

"Surya" means "Sun,"and "Shakti" means "energy". Surya Shakti is an dynamic form of the Sun Salutation which is an ancient yogic practice with a powerful sequence of 18 postures.

Nasal Cleansing Jala Neti Isha Hatha Yoga

Jala Neti

Jala Neti is a process of cleansing the nasal passages with saltwater. This allows breathing to become free so that air can enter the lungs unimpeded by mucus and dirt which easily builds up during the day.

Yoga Nivedana Isha Hatha Yoga Studio Logo

Yoga Nivedana is dedicated to offering Isha Hatha Yoga in it's full depth and vibrancy that can enable you and support you through your journey.


AddressDomlur, Bengalure, KA 560071

Ph: +91 8978024596,  Email:

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